10 postdoctoral researchers in the field of Energy Storage

Badajoz, Spain
38 000 EUR
Jul 05, 2024
Posting live until
Aug 06, 2024

Open International Call for the recruitment of 10 postdoctoral researchers in the field of ENERGY STORAGE in Extremadura - Spain

Talent4Iberia – Career development of international talents of the energy research fields in the Iberian Peninsula

Talent4Iberia is focused on generating in-depth knowledge and promoting excellent talent within a number of specific scientific and technological specialization areas in the field of Energy, in line with expertise and long- term priorities of the Implementing Partners that will recruit and host the researchers. The programme involves both academic and industrial participating organizations with strong expertise on energy technologies, guaranteeing this way an attractive, intersectoral and international ecosystem with a focus on ENERGY STORAGE.

This programme, under the coordination of the Regional Ministry of Education, Science and Vocational Training of the Regional Government of Extremadura and co-funded by the Horizon Europe framework programme – Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) 2022 COFUND, offers 10 full-time contracts for a period of 36 months in one of the following Host Institutions:

1. Iberian Centre for Research in Energy Storage (CIIAE), managed by Foundation FUNDECYT - Science and Technology Park of Extremadura (FUNDECYT-PCTEX)

2. University of Extremadura (UEX)

3. Centre for Scientific and Technological Research of Extremadura (CICYTEX)

The selected Fellows will participate in a complete training programme focused on the development of research-oriented and transversal skills that will boost their professional growth, and will enable them to choose intersectoral secondments from a list of 21 project partners of high relevance in the Energy Storage sector, comprising academia, research centers and industry, from 15 EU and non-EU countries. Check them out here at our interactive map.

Research Topics

Talent4Iberia promotes interdisciplinary and innovative scientific research and a competent and personalized training programme for the postdoctoral Research Fellows by bringing together different scientific fields to provide you with relevant knowledge, methods and skills across a wide range of disciplines around the Energy storage ecosystem.

You should provide your own Research Project proposal related to any of the following research topics:

1. Electrical Energy Storage

2. Hydrogen and Power-to-X

3. Thermal Energy Storage


Candidates must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Hold a Ph.D. degree at the time of submission of their application;
  • Comply with the MSCA Mobility Rule: Not have resided or carried out their main activity in Spain, for more than 1 year in the 3 years immediately prior to the deadline of the call;
  • Not be part of the permanent staff of their selected Host Institution;
  • Focus their application on one of the three Research Topics previously mentioned.

Employment Conditions

Candidates who are successful in their applications will be admitted to the Talent4Iberia Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme, and will receive a range of benefits: 

  • 36-months Full-time working contract, including medical care under the Spanish public healthcare system, maternity/paternity full pay (16 weeks), pension rights, and a severance payment at the end of the contract period;
  • Relocation support;
  • Support for Researchers with family obligations;
  • Support to cover travel and subsistence during secondments;
  • Special needs allowance for Researchers with disabilities. 

Selection Process

The Selection Process is divided into 5 steps. The estimated call calendar is as follows:

Call Opening: 6 July 2024

Deadline for Applications: 6 August 2024

Scientific-technical Evaluation: August – October 2024

Interviews: October – November 2024

Notification to candidates: December 2024

How To Apply

All applications must be submitted online following the instructions described in the Guide for Applicants available in the Talent4Iberia webpage.

Contact Information

For any information about Talent4Iberia programme, applicants should contact info@talent4iberia.eu.

Find all information about the project, selection process and how to apply here: www.talent4iberia.eu.