University Professorship (W3) "Quantum Materials"

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association creates and imparts knowledge for the society and the environment. It is our goal to make significant contributions to mastering the global challenges of mankind in the fields of energy, mobility, and information. For this, about 9,800 employees of KIT cooperate in a broad range of disciplines in research, academic education, and innovation.

The Division V – Physics and Mathematics, Institute for Quantum Materials and Technologies (IQMT), KIT Department of Physics offers for the earliest possible date a permanent University Professorship (W3) "Quantum Materials".

We are looking for an outstanding experimental physicist in the field of quantum materials. Your expertise should include thermodynamic (e. g. calorimetry, dilatometry or magnetometry) and transport experiments under extreme conditions (high magnetic field, high pressure and low temperature) of strongly correlated or topological materials.

The professorship is embedded into the research and teaching activities of the Institute for Quantum Materials and Technologies (IQMT), the KIT Center MaTeLiS (Materials in Technical and Life Sciences) and the Department of Physics.

At IQMT you will take over the management of its Division “New Quantum Materials”. You are expected to play an active role in coordinated research activities at KIT and to take on tasks in academic self-administration.

You will carry out research activities within the large scale research sector of KIT and university tasks with a teaching obligation of 2 hours per week per semester. You will participate in course and special lectures, seminars and other courses in the physics degree programs as well as in the supervision of Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral theses.

A completed doctorate (PhD) in physics, outstanding internationally visible scientific achievements, as well as pedagogical aptitude are required.

Employment is subject to Art. 14, par. (2) of the KIT Act in conjunction with Art. 47 LHG Baden-Württemberg (Act of Baden-Württemberg on Universities and Colleges).

As a family-friendly university, KIT offers part-time employment, leaves of absence, a dual career service, and coaching to support the work-life balance.

We prefer to balance the number of employees (f/m/d). Therefore, we kindly ask female applicants to apply for this job.

Recognized severely disabled persons will be preferred if they are equally qualified.

Please mail your application with the relevant documents (curriculum vitae, list of publications, diplomas/certificates, teaching evaluations, description of previous and planned research, teaching activities and concepts, description of your own contributions in the above-mentioned areas, acquired thirdparty funds) until May 12, 2024 by using the vacancy number 1142/2024 as a single PDF file to Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Division 5, Department of Physics, 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany, e-mail: For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Matthieu Le Tacon, e-mail:

Your personal data will be processed by KIT in accordance with this privacy policy.

You can find further information on the internet:

KIT – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association