Faculty Position in Water and Wastewater Chemistry at the EPFL and Eawag

EPFL and Eawag
Geneva, Switzerland
EPFL offers internationally competitive start-up resources, salaries, and benefits.
Nov 13, 2023
Posting live until
Jan 12, 2024

The EPFL School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC) invites applications for a tenured Associate/Full Professor of Water and Wastewater Chemistry located in the Institute of Environmental Engineering and the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag).

Ensuring a steady supply of high-quality water resources for drinking, agriculture, industries and recreation is a basic pillar of our society. Water and wastewater chemistry underpins developments leading to innovative solutions within the broader context of sustainable water treatment. Like many other countries, the Swiss landscape for water and wastewater treatment is rapidly evolving. For example, before 2050 many Swiss wastewater treatment plants will be upgraded with quaternary treatment to meet stricter water quality standards.

The scope of water and wastewater chemistry is broad and includes (but is not limited to) chemical oxidation and reduction processes in water treatment; chemical mechanisms underpinning adsorption processes; corrosion chemistry of distribution systems; chemical processes to enable water reuse; chemistry of natural water treatment processes; and the interface of water chemistry and (eco)toxicology.

By leveraging the exceptional resources available at EPFL and Eawag, the appointee will lead an internationally-recognized research program leading to innovative solutions for water and wastewater treatment technologies and processes. We welcome applications from individuals whose research interests range from the fundamental science of water treatment to development of treatment technologies. The new professor will create and lead an integrated and complementary research group located at both EPFL and Eawag.

At EPFL, this professorship will contribute to ENAC’s research strategy in climate change adaptation specifically and is encouraged to collaborate with groups in Civil Engineering and Architecture concerned water quality and management. At Eawag, the professor will lead a research group and collaborate with the Department of Process Engineering and the Department of Water Resources and Drinking Water.    

EPFL professors are committed to excellence in undergraduate and graduate level teaching. Within ENAC, all professors contribute to disciplinary and cross-disciplinary teaching programs.

With its main campus located in Lausanne, on the shores of Lake Geneva, EPFL is a dynamic, well-funded institution fostering excellence and diversity. It is well equipped with experimental and computational infrastructure, and offers a fertile environment for research collaboration between various disciplines. Eawag, headquartered at Dübendorf (Zürich) is one of the world’s premier water research organizations focusing on all aspects of the water cycle in the natural and built environments.

Both EPFL and Eawag offer a multilingual and multicultural work environment, with English serving as a common interface. This professorship includes internationally competitive start-up resources, salary and benefits.

The following documents are requested in PDF format: cover letter including a statement of motivation, curriculum vitae, publication list, concise statements of research and teaching interests (up to five pages each) as well as names of five individuals who are willing to provide a reference letter upon request. Applications should be uploaded to the EPFL recruitment web site:


Formal evaluation of the applications will begin on 15 February 2024.

Further enquiries should be made to the Chair of the Search Committee:

Prof. Tamar Kohn

e-mail: SearchWWC@epfl.ch

For additional information on EPFL and Eawag, please consult:







EPFL is an equal opportunity employer and a family friendly university, committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty, and strongly encourages women to apply.